Read A Blunt Instrument Online

Authors: Georgette Heyer

A Blunt Instrument (26 page)

BOOK: A Blunt Instrument
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"Well, that was nice of you, Chief," said the Sergeant, with exaggerated gratitude. "And what about me getting myself disliked by Brown, and wasting my time watching young Neville try on his uncle's hats?"

"Sorry, but I didn't dare let Glass suspect I might be getting on to his trail. I must notify Neville Fletcher that the mystery is cleared up."

"You needn't bother," replied the Sergeant. "He's lost interest in it."

Hannasyde smiled, but said: "All the same, he must be told what's happened."

"I wouldn't mind betting he'll think it's a funny story. He hasn't got any decency at all, let alone proper feelings. However, I won't deny he dealt with Ichabod better than any of us. You tell him I'm expecting a bit of wedding-cake."

"Whose wedding-cake?" demanded Hannasyde. "Not his own?"

"Yes," said the Sergeant. "Unless that girl with the eyeglass has got more sense than I give her credit for." He was interrupted by the entrance into the room of the Constable on duty, who announced that Mr. Neville Fletcher wanted to speak to him.

"Talk of the devil!" exclaimed the Sergeant.

"Show him in," said Hannasyde. "He's on the phone, sir."

"All right, put the call through."

The Constable withdrew, Hannasyde picked up the receiver, and waited. In a few moments Neville's voice was wafted to him. "Is that Superintendent Hannasyde? How lovely! Where can I buy a special licence? Have you got any?"

"No," replied Hannasyde. "Not our department. I was just coming up to see you, Mr. Fletcher."

"What, again? But I can't be bothered with murder cases now. I'm going to get married."

"You aren't going to be bothered any more. The case is over, Mr. Fletcher."

"Oh, that's a good thing! We've really had quite enough of it. Where did you say I can buy a special licence?"

"I didn't. Do you want to know who murdered your uncle?"

"No, I want to know who keeps special licences!"

"The Archbishop of Canterbury."

"No, does he really? What fun for me! Thanks so much! Goodbye!"

Hannasyde laid down the instrument, a laugh in his eyes.

"Well?" demanded the Sergeant. "Not interested," Hannasyde replied.

BOOK: A Blunt Instrument
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