9781631052415ShadowedSpiritBeck (3 page)

BOOK: 9781631052415ShadowedSpiritBeck
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would get them nowhere. Sadie knew this on an intellectual level, but she
couldn’t fight off these crazy intense feelings. She’d been with other men, but
none had ever made her skin feel as if it were on fire. Everywhere she had clothes,
and admittedly, that was limited, was itchy and too warm. She rubbed along his
shoulder, grinding down enough to put the friction in just the right place to
relieve some of her unease. If she played this off right, he’d never know.

her hips, Sadie rubbed back and forth while still wiggling her arms and legs to
appear in need of escape. If she were quiet about what she was actually trying
to accomplish, he’d never need to know what she was doing. She bit down on her
lip as she picked up her rhythm and felt his large warm hand move to her ass,
massaging the exposed globes. His touch pressed her further into him and set
her off. Her legs tightened as everything inside her coiled and then sprung

that was unexpected,” the caveman said with a sarcastic tone that made Sadie
want to bite him.

knew?” She was mortified to think he’d known she’d just rubbed herself off on
his shoulder.

“I can
smell your arousal as if I’ve bathed in it. And I just might after that little
stunt. I’m ready to explode down here.” He tugged her forward and felt herself
being placed into a leather seat.

door slammed and it was quiet. She took stock. She was in a truck and oh
the handsome caveman was opening up the driver’s side
door to get behind the wheel. He was massive, just as large as her other
sister’s mate. He was probably the same size as her father, but he seemed far
more lethal. Sadie wondered what his job in TEU was since she had no doubt,
based on how he carried himself, that he was an agent.

your name?”

I work for—”

she cut him off. “Now where are you taking me?”

“To the
hotel I reserved.”

knew?” Sadie tentatively asked.

what, little spitfire? That you were my mate? That my mate was a stripper?” His
voice grew louder and more agitated until he paused and shook his head. “No. I
most definitely did not know. I was on a mission.”

mission to do what?”

find you.
Run surveillance and then bring you back to the compound.”

the men connected to the cell still a danger? My father said it had been
resolved. He said,” she paused as the memory of her father’s information came
back to her.
“Holy hell.
He said Granger took out the
remaining men. You’re an assassin.”

prefer sharp shooter but either works.” Granger shrugged.

killed all those men?” She was fishing for information, but she’d guessed

“It was
inevitable. We had something they wanted, something that could’ve changed the
world.” Granger shrugged again, seeming nonchalant. “They would never have

“So you
just took them all out?” Sadie was stuck between shock and awe. This was her
mate who had done this. This was her mate who was talking so casually about it.

were two options.
One, to play the defensive game as we had
been and risk our race going public and any of us being killed.
Or two,
we go on the offensive and end it. Option two it was.” Granger explained the
rationale passionlessly as if discussing gaming strategy.

guessed when it came down to it, there really wasn’t another choice. She’d have
to spend some time learning more about this. Staying out of all the family
drama and talk about prophecy was now a definite disadvantage.

into the seat, Sadie reflected back on her mother’s teachings.
Circle of Magdalena
, as referred to in the
modern day, was the sole life sustenance of the Valendite breeds. In exchange
for their gift of life, finding their mate meant the women born into the
Magdalena Circle
would be free from
their soul sin. It was truly an incredible history she came from, one that she
just never had an interest in until now. She retraced what little she did know.

During the Italian
Wars in the early 1500s, the Duchy of Milan and the Kingdom of Naples fought
for power and territory. Citizens living in the Italian peninsula then did not
know where to turn for alliances. Betrayals belied life. They were so divided
that in the mid-1500s when King Henry of France declared war against King
Charles of Italy, the Italians stood no chance of victory. Among them were
scientists developing amazing—albeit unethical—chemicals to enhance men and
create ultimate soldiers.

These soldiers—Madden’s
great-grandfather several times removed—became more than any scientist
anticipated. Much of their strength was hidden to preserve them from harm
themselves. These soldiers concealed their unanticipated need for blood as
sustenance as best they could by utilizing the blood of those they killed in
battle. The breeds served until finally near the 1600s when, with much thanks
to Spanish and English aid,
Henry was forced to accept the Peace of
and renounce any further claims to Italy.

But that did not end
the power of these warriors, now known as the Valendite Breed, named for the
war in which they were created. Empowered with the role of preserving peace for
their country, the Valendite breed warriors stayed inconspicuous, fearful of
those who might be frightened or threatened by their gifts. They learned to
drink from one another, a blood exchange that left them unfulfilled and empty.
Their accomplishments in the war were hidden, buried to protect their identity,
they lived as simple men. Until over the years, and despite their propensity to
live elongated lives, these men and their families were able to hide once again
among the average men.

Sadie watched as the bright lights of Vegas passed outside
her window, but she was lost in the memories of their history, of the stories
she’d been told as a child, but paid little attention to. Soon enough, she’d grow
into her powers that were granted through this age-old covenant.

After the Valendite
breeds assimilated back into life on the hillsides of Italy, very few of their
wives were able to conceive. The breeds were not thriving. The men assembled
and brought their women to the steps of Rome, to the place most known for
prayer and sanctity, to ask for God’s intervention in their lives. Pleading,
one woman by the name of Magdalena offered any sacrifice that might be asked of
them in exchange for fertility.

Her plea was granted.
Though reports of the event were never accurately transcribed, breed historians
agree on a few basic events. Each woman present that day—seven in total—were
filled by one of the seven deadly sins, this act in exchange for the honor of
bearing breed children, continuing the race, and nourishing their breed mates.

All was well for the
breeds then. Their race flourished until the time of another generation in the
late 1800s. The women became unhappy in their role, seeking independence from
the bonds that held them to the breeds. For without their mates, the women
could survive, it was only the breed mate who suffered from separation. Some
began leaving, traveling to other countries.

A terrible storm
struck the land on the day of Samhain 1804. Terribly superstitious, the women
converged in the town’s large cathedral to pray. Winds stronger than were ever
seen before or since tore down the stone structure, killing those women trapped
inside. After the storm ended, though, very few women—only those not making it
to the cathedral—remained alive.

An apparition appeared
outside the cathedral ruins. The majestic angel stood before the women who
bowed down on their knees in her presence. “You shall call me Magdalena. You
shall pray to me as Goddess. For you are those I saved this day. You are true
to the promise made so long ago and granted to us through the grace of God.
Your honor lies in claiming your breed mate. It is as it should be.”

The women dared not
move as they heard the men approach, remaining on their knees in respect for
their Goddess with whom there was a connection. The soil warm beneath their
legs, the air crisp and cool against their hands. Every sensation, every
movement and sound, was heightened. Their change not subtle, the men present
that day at the cathedral witnessed the transformation.

“You are no longer as
you once were. Manifested in you now are the elements. While others broke their
promise, you held steadfast and are rewarded with powers in your own right. No
longer shall you exist only to sustain your mate, but to also sustain the
earth. My blessings
upon you and your children
after you. It is as it should be.”

Those gathered saw the
apparition spiral in a colorful rainbow that seemed to draw every eye. A
comforting scent and warmth flooded the courtyard where now only seven women
remained alongside the breed men. A new beginning was upon them.

Sadie glanced across at her mate.
They were now parked in a hotel
parking deck, but neither made a move to get out of the car. When she remained
silent, Granger leaned into her neck and took a breath. His nose coasted along
the tendons in her neck and caused a shiver. Still close enough for his breath
to deliver a delicious whisper, he asked, “Anything else you want to know?
Because once I get you into the room, or fuck, into the elevator, I don’t plan
on doing anymore talking about work.”

um, I don’t… I mean, I can’t…” Sadie couldn’t formulate a damn thought.

pulled away from her, just slightly, and she instinctively whimpered in
protest. He chuckled and kissed her nose when she wrinkled it. Normally she
could use the mild powers she’d had all her life. By wrinkling her nose, Sadie
could move items—clear away unwanted things—or make them work the way she
needed, but this time, nothing. She looked at him quizzically.

powers don’t work on me, minx. Now, let’s get up to our room.” Granger opened
his door and came around to her side of the car to help her out.

took his hand and allowed him to pull her close as they walked towards the bank
of elevators. This was really happening. She’d found her mate and despite
everything else, this moment was hers to savor. She’d deal with the fallout




Chapter Three



the door behind them, Granger followed Sadie into the suite. She didn’t look
around as he’d thought she would. She simply turned and looked at him. Her eyes
took stock of him, head to toe, and he liked that look in her eyes. No, he
fucking loved it. If her hunger for him was as deep as the color of her eyes,
he might just have met his match.
His mate.

deep plum nails scraped along her arm, up her neck, and back to her shoulder
strap where she pulled it off. With easy movements, simple shrugs of her
shoulders, and a shift to her stance, her shirt fell to the floor. Sadie stood
before him proudly with her firm round breasts at attention.

ever dropping her eyes, she toed off her boots and kicked them away from where
she stood. Damn, he’d wanted those boots wrapped around his waist. There was
always next time. Granger licked his lips as his imagination ran away with the
possibilities. There would be many, many next times.

by the flush of her cheeks and the rise and fall of her chest, Granger nearly
missed her fingers looping under the tiny band serving as a skirt until she
bent at the waist to roll it down her long legs. Sadie, his mate, stood naked
in front of him. He needed only to reach forward and touch her, but he felt
frozen in place. His eyes continued to take in the bounty before him.

As part
of the Valendite Breed, Granger understood the legacy, prophecy, and to
appreciate the significance of finding and claiming your mate. He planned to
worship Sadie until the day they died. The sharing of blood so sacred, nothing
could tear them from one another. Not only would their blood bond them together,
but it would also sustain him and prolong Sadie’s life so she lived as long as
he did. The unknown was exactly how the prophecy would impact them now that
there was absolute certainty the Sinster sisters were the ones in the Prophecy
of Seven.

When he
touched Sadie, he’d be touching a woman of the prophecy. Yet the feelings she
was inciting in him were not reverent as much as animalistic. In an attempt to
show her respect and gentleness, a gentleness he did not feel at the moment,
Granger walked to her and placed his hands to her face, framing her, and
dropped soft kisses along her forehead, her nose, and finally her lips.

brushed the softest kiss against her full lips before speaking, his voice husky
with the desire he held inside him. “Use your tongue against my sharpest teeth.
I don’t want to wait another minute.” Granger continued kissing in between
sentences. “The blood exchange will bind us. I need that before I take you.
. Please don’t make me

words were barely finished when Sadie’s tongue swirled along his lips and into
his mouth. There was no hesitation as she licked first his tongue and then
along his canine teeth. He tasted the first drops of her blood and moaned low
in his throat as his temperature soared. Sadie tensed shortly and then softened
her body against his as her feminine moans mirrored his. He could feel her
desire as if it was his own, and it multiplied the urge to claim her and demand
she submit to him as his mate. The restraint he tried so hard to hold onto was
a thread, a damn shredded thread.

rubbed the full length of her body against him even as he felt the unmistakable
link solidify between them. His cock lengthened and tightened the pants he
desperately needed to get out of. Enough was enough. Why was he holding back?
This was fate. What would happen next was inevitable.

Before I take you standing up.”
Granger’s husky words pushed
abruptly through his gritted teeth.

paused a moment too long before moving so Granger swung her into his arms and
stomped to the bedroom at the other end of the suite. Dropping her on the bed,
he removed his clothes with a single thought.

“I need
to be naked. I need my flesh to touch your flesh, with no barriers,” he
explained. The blush on her cheeks was absolutely delightful.

leaned over and took one of her legs into his hand and kissed each tiny,
delicate painted toe. She gasped when he sucked on her big toe, pulling into
his mouth just as he planned to do to her nipples. Releasing it, he gave the
same treatment to her other foot, her other toes. By the time he worked his way
up her thighs, Sadie was flushed and heavy-lidded with desire. She was putty in
his hands.

With his
mate lying naked below him, Granger drank in the sight. He leaned down,
kneeling over the edge of the bed, and breathed in her scent. It was musky, but
held the subtle undertone of something sweet. Clean-shaven and with just a mere
scrap along her center, he could see the pink, swollen folds as they grew wet.
He blew out a breath and watched her muscles tense and
Then when he’d had enough, or when he needed more, he bit down into the fabric
of her panties and pulled until he heard the threads snap.

With a
clear view, Granger separated Sadie’s legs further and ran his nose along her
core. He inhaled her scent and knew it would forever be his undoing. Then he
tasted. With a single lick from back to front, he scooped up the moisture and
drank it in. It was a feast for his soul as he felt something inside him shift.
What the fuck?

off the distraction, he drew himself deeper into her, curling his tongue and
using it to feel along her opening and inside the channel he’d soon fill. He
lapped over and over until her folds were puffy and dark pink. Then he honed in
on her clit, the tiny bundle of nerves protruding from the small hood at the
top of her core.

the bundle into his mouth, Granger heard Sadie grow louder, heard her praying
to the Goddess, but he wouldn’t let anything distract him. He was a man on a
mission and he planned to have blast off any second now. Suck. Pull. Nibble.
Moving his tongue and lips until he felt the tightening of her thighs and heard
the scream she could no longer hold back.

satisfied that he’d pleased her, Granger moved above Sadie to kiss her. They
shared the flavor of her satisfaction on his tongue and lips. She eagerly
lapped up the juices remaining on his face and despite believing his cock
couldn’t get harder, it did.


I am crazy for this.
Ho un
Granger panted out the words as he flipped Sadie onto her stomach, lifted
her ass in the air, and pressed his swollen cockhead against her moist folds.

She was
ready, prepared, and there was no hope of delaying any further. Once he felt
her relax into the feel of him so close to her, her back bow under his touch,
Granger pushed forward. Slowly, ever-so-damn-slowly, he entered his mate. Each
and every ripple, soft tissue, hard muscle, heated cream—Granger felt
everything. It burned him, not just his dick, but something inside of him
warmed. He felt tight, as if his skin was suddenly shrunk and too small to fit
his body. He strained against the sensation and felt as if he’d burst. Holding
still, fully seated inside Sadie, Granger’s arms held him completely above her
so he could feel his chest on her back.

don’t go slow, please.” Sadie’s plea snapped every synapse in Granger’s body to

his weight, he pivoted his hips. Fast and furious, Granger took his mate. The
heat and slide, the sounds of their cores connecting with each thrust,
propelled him. He wasn’t being gentle. And while he hoped he was giving, right
now his only thoughts were on taking.
Taking his mate.
Making his claim.

ran his nose along the muscle that connected Sadie’s neck and arm, licked to
taste the sweat, and smelled the earthy fragrance of her skin. His canines
dropped further, the sharp teeth preparing for their use, as Granger leaned
down and pierced the skin at the base of her neck. He sucked, drawing out
Sadie’s blood and allowing it to feed him.

called out and bucked below him. Granger pressed forward, filling her more
completely with his length while he held her in place with his teeth. With each
pull from her vein, Granger slammed into her and knew he was touching the very
core of his mate. Within minutes, she was crying out and shaking. He’d brought
her to release and could let go.

fucking plunges and Granger lost himself to a feeling so deep it ran up his
balls, pulsed out his cock to fill his mate and, at the same time, touched
something inside him. A connection, a link, locked in place between him and
Sadie. Emotions he’d locked up more years ago than he could remember. It was a
need, a desire for more than sex.

knew rationally that he shouldn’t be surprised. He’d listened to all the talk
your mate and the Acclimation forming
an unbreakable emotional bond. He’d just assumed since he’d locked up his emotions
so long ago, his emotions for a mate might take a while to surface, if at all.
Damn it to Hell, that wasn’t the case at all. He wasn’t sure what happened or
how it happened but Granger felt as if he had no purpose until he now held his
mate in his arms.

It had
been a long time since he’d felt anything and this feeling… well, it was
intense. He rolled them to their sides, spooning Sadie and stroking her until
he felt her breaths even out. She’d fallen asleep without a single word.


* * * *


to the smell of coffee and the sound of the shower, Sadie stretched. She was
deliciously sore, aching in the most private of places. This was the second
morning they’d been holed up in the suite. Sadie could honestly say she didn’t
give a care about anything but Granger. The only contact she’d had was to call
her agent and back out of the Vegas show. In fact, she’d let her agent know she
was no longer available for shows. Her life was changing and Sadie was
surprisingly happy about that.

she’d gotten used to the connection she now shared with Granger, she started to
feel the connections she had with each of her sisters. The ones with her mated
sisters were very much like the one she’d always shared with her mother. Gracie
felt more like a fuzzy dream, but she knew, without any doubt, that they all
knew she was well. She also felt their happiness for her.

Why had
she avoided this for so long? Her damn soul sin had her pushing against the
very spirituality that bonded the
. She’d missed so much. And once she was done having Granger all to
herself, she’d remedy that, but first, she needed a strong cup of coffee, then
a shower.

naked to the tiny kitchenette in the suite, Sadie poured herself a cup of
coffee and drank down the first sips in hopes of feeling more awake. She hadn’t
been getting much sleep and it was catching up to her. Granger was insatiable
and she’d apparently forgotten the word no.

she made it over to the window to look out, Sadie saw papers spread out on the
table near the sofa. Granger must’ve been up working already. She would’ve
walked right by it all except she was drawn to the mess, compelled to tidy it.
Sadie set down her coffee cup and began shuffling and stacking the files. Then
she noticed a photo of a man she recognized, a man she never wanted to see
again, a man she thought was a part of her past.

her hand into a fist, she held the photo and fell to her knees. Sadie couldn’t
take her eyes off the man. She couldn’t bring herself to stop looking at the scar
that ran along his cheek, carved back into his ear. She’d memorized that scar
and all the others that adorned his massive body. Sadie knew every inch of the
man in this photo and while the outside was beautifully made, the inside was
another story.

in place, Sadie didn’t hear Granger walk up behind her. She barely felt him
touch her, lifting her up and sitting on the couch with her on his lap. He was
mumbling, mostly in his native Italian, and reassuring her. He’d want to know
what was wrong. She knew. It was inevitable now. A past she’d tucked behind her
was coming back to bite her on the ass. Sadie’s body trembled and her teeth

, you’re in shock.” Granger placed
her on the sofa and stood. “Fuck.” He stomped off and she wondered where he
went. Was he leaving? Was he angry?

moment later, he returned. “Drink this,” he encouraged, handing her a glass
with a deep gold liquid. “It’ll help with your nerves.”

took the glass and knocked back the shot. It burned going down but once Granger
sat again and held her, she began to relax. Her muscles loosened and she laid
her head on his chest.

“Why do
you have this photo?” she asked in a small voice.

files are part of the investigation on the group that has been trying to get
information on the Valendite Breed. We’ve eliminated nearly everyone but still,
there’s a link missing. There had to be a way for these men to know as much as
they did and that’s what we need to find.”

BOOK: 9781631052415ShadowedSpiritBeck
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