9781631051500RekindlingtheFlameLeFoy (3 page)

BOOK: 9781631051500RekindlingtheFlameLeFoy
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He quirked a brow. “Honey, we have time to eat breakfast
fuck before checkout time, not both.”

“I don’t want to eat. I want to be with you.”

His fingers unbuttoned her shirt as she went to work on his jeans. As soon as he had her shirt open, he freed both her breasts from her bra and pinched her nipples roughly until they stood in tight peaks. “Yes, baby. I want you too. Want to see you come for me one more time before I go.”

She groaned and reached inside his boxers for his cock. His shaft was slippery and warm, evidence that he wanted her right in the palm of her hand. “Come here.” She tugged on his cock and he took a step closer. Scooting to the edge of the chair, she wrapped her lips around his head and tasted his salty pre-cum. “Mmm.”

His fingers twined in her brown curly hair. “God, that’s good.”

“Mmm hmm,” was all she said as she sucked him farther in, her mouth enveloping his length as she slid down his shaft. The skin was smooth and taut, and when she touched his balls they were already tight and heavy. Paul needed to come, and she’d make him.

Loosening her throat, she took as much of him in as she could, using her hand to grip and caress the rest of him. Soon his breathing changed to coarse and uneven.

“Marcy. Please. I’m going to…”

She wanted to say, “I know,” but didn’t bother. Instead, she pulled on his sac and swirled her tongue around his head before sucking on the bulb hard. Then she slid him to the back of her throat.

“Ah, God.” Paul’s hand cupped the back of her head and urged her to take a little more of him. “Please.”

Knowing she had him exactly where she wanted him, she surged forward and his head popped down her throat. She swallowed around him.

With a jerk of his hips he came, shouting so loudly all of room service must have heard. In three more quick thrusts, he emptied into her, the warm liquid coating her throat. After his orgasm ended, she continued to suck on his softening cock as he kneaded her breasts and pinched her nipples. Finally, she could take no more teasing. She laid back in the chair and watched Paul lower to his knees.

Lifting her hips, she allowed him to drag her jeans down before setting her tush back on the edge of the seat. He parted her legs reverently and lowered his head. Good God, he was going to lick her off here! What if she screamed? She stuffed the side of her hand into her mouth and watched as he lapped at her pussy, then pulled back and inserted his fingers. When they were coated with her honey, he dragged them out and urged her to scoot forward a little more. She did, and he pressed those fingers into her again, pumping faster.

Her heart galloped. She was close to coming, if only he’d lick her clit again she’d split apart at the seams.

This time, when he drew his fingers out, he trailed them lower until they reached the puckered hole of her ass. Not waiting for any sign, he plunged them deep inside her.

She gasped as his fingers impaled her tender flesh. Before she could speak he lowered his mouth to her mound and ate at her, using his tongue, lips and teeth to bring her to climax. This time she was acutely aware of each and every time her tight ring clamped down around her husband’s fingers like a vice. He speared her with them, thrusting deeper, and she cried out, using one hand to hold his mouth in place as she leaned back in the chair and screamed her release. He worked her until she lay there, chest heaving, unable to move. Dragging in ragged breath after ragged breath, she stared at her husband wide-eyed. “My God, Paul.”

He smiled and slipped his fingers out of her ass, then nibbled the inside of her thigh. “Was that good? Maybe someday you’ll let me fuck you there.”

A tremor raced through her, and her pussy trembled and creamed. The idea both frightened and thrilled her.

“Come on. We have time for a little more.” He grabbed her hand, led her out of the chair and laid her down on the bed. “I want to watch you come with my cock inside you. Besides, I don’t think all the guests heard us yet. We owe them a fair chance.”

She laughed and slapped his back. Yes, it was true they were noisy lovers. But she needed this, and refused to apologize. For just a few more minutes, Paul was all hers. She smiled, spread her legs and welcomed him home.


* * * *


Six months later

Moku Nui Island, Hawaii


The warm white sand was hot under her toes. Her feet sank a little more with each step and she leaned against Paul to catch her breath. They’d just kayaked thirty minutes from the mainland to get to the mostly deserted island and her muscles felt tired and sore. But it had taken them so long to get to Hawaii, she refused to miss a moment of the adventure.

After returning from his trip, Paul had made good on his offer and returned to the university. She’d struggled, but finally managed to re-train her clients to normal office hour interruptions only. With every evening together, their relationship had picked up where it had left off when Paul had taken the pharmaceutical sales job. While enjoying all that new couple time, they’d found a lot more activities to do together besides sex. She’d lost twenty of the forty pounds she’d gained, and felt pretty damn svelte in her new two-piece. Paul had never complained about her weight once, and she could only hope he still found her attractive at her current weight even though he’d seemed to like her extra padding.

Well, he wouldn’t have to wait long to get it back. She’d missed her last period. The last month she’d been feeling subtle changes in her body and her moods, and knew her tiredness could also be a sign. When they got back to the mainland, she’d take a pregnancy test and find out for sure.

As if he sensed her needs, he stopped tugging on the kayak and pulled her against his sun-warmed chest and abs. “Hey, sexy. How you doing?”

“Good. I’ll be fine when we can take a rest.”

“Then let’s set up right over here.” He unloaded the lounge chairs and cooler and set up the umbrella. “Is this good?”

“Yes.” Marcy sank into the chair gratefully. The sun beat down on her, making her skin hot. For some reason the heat also sank deep into her pussy, making her want to come.

Paul uncapped a Gatorade, took a sip and kissed her. His lips were salty and warm. “You want some?”

“No, I’m fine.” She pulled the straps on her bikini down, wanting to take the thing all the way off but lacking the guts to do so.

“You tease.” Paul’s hands swept over her chest and under her bikini to caress her nipples.

She whimpered, she wanted to come so bad.

“Hey there, my baby needs a little attention, doesn’t she?” He bent his head and sucked a nipple into his mouth as his sturdy fingers delved into her bikini bottom.

She gasped as his fingers circled her clit. “Paul. We can’t do this here!”

He lifted his head for a moment. “Of course we can. Look, there’s nobody around.”

“For now…”

“Yeah for now. After you come, I’ll fuck you while we’re in the water. Been looking forward to that all these months.” He lowered his head again and laved and sucked her nipple as his fingers worried the nub of her pussy.

A dull roar started in her head that matched the sound of the ocean. She clung to Paul and spasmed, then spasmed again. A full-on orgasm was only seconds away. “Paul, God, I’m going to come.”

“Come for me, baby,” he growled against the warm flesh of her breast.

Letting go, she split apart, back arching off the lounge chair as hot cream slipped down her thighs. But she knew this was only the start. She wanted more.

Sounds of chatter reached her ears, alerting her that people were coming. Quickly she put her bikini top back in place. Both she and Paul searched for the sounds and saw no one. Then they heard a splash. And another. And another.

Curious, she followed Paul around the side of the steep rocks and onto another area of the island. Cliff jumpers were diving from gray lava colored cliff formations into a clear green pool. It looked beautiful and possibly deadly. Spellbound, she watched as diver after diver of all ages and sizes leapt, sending white plumes of water into the air.

“Come on.” Paul tugged on her hand and her eyes went wide.

“What? You want me to jump from a cliff? You’re crazy.” She was horny, not stupid.

“No. You’ll see.” He dragged her over the rocks and onto the outskirts of the pool where the people were diving. Finally he stood chest-deep in the water and backed himself against the rocks. His hands lifted her legs to encircle his waist. He pushed her bikini bottom aside, allowing him access.

She gasped when the head of his cock, not his fingers, pressed at her entrance. “Paul, you can’t do this here. They’ll see.” If she could see the divers, surely they could see her and Paul as well.

“It’s under water. They’ll never know unless you scream.” He grasped her hips and shoved her down onto his cock. The heat of his shaft made up for the coolness of the water.

She shivered around it, astounded. Their love life had gone from zero times a week to seven or eight, and she thought she’d seen and done everything with Paul, but this wild exhibitionist streak always snuck up on her. Not that she wanted to complain at the moment. As she bottomed out on Paul’s stiff shaft with the waves lapping softly around them, she knew paradise was hers. Paradise with the husband she’d been so close to losing only six months ago. So what if a few people saw them having sex?

They’re just jealous
, she told herself, and opened her mouth and screamed.


*The End*



About the Author

Eva Lefoy writes and reads all kinds of romance, and is a certified Trekkie. She’s also terribly addicted to chocolate, tea, and hiking. One of these days, she’ll figure out the meaning of life, quit her job, and go travel the galaxy. Until then, she’s writing down all her dirty thoughts for the sake of future explorers.







Secret Cravings Publishing
















BOOK: 9781631051500RekindlingtheFlameLeFoy
2.09Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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