Read 7th Kind 1: Christmas in Dreamland Online

Authors: Cheryl Dragon

Tags: #Multiple Partners

7th Kind 1: Christmas in Dreamland (7 page)

BOOK: 7th Kind 1: Christmas in Dreamland
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The cook staff hustled out of there quickly when the aliens emerged. Charlie wondered what they’d say if they knew part of the security team had the same alien DNA.

“Get started. I’ve got one thing to grab.” Meg headed to her office.

Charlie and Henry exchanged curious looks. Then Meg returned with a big bowl and two containers. She poured one fully into the bowl and added a ladle. Then she mixed in some liquid from the other bottle.

“Eggnog?” Ike asked.

“I didn’t make it too strong.” Meg grabbed a cup and began serving.

“Eggs are for breakfast. Not drinking.” One of the aliens stared at the liquid.

Meg giggled. “Eggs can be a lot of things. This is a creamy drink with some alcohol. I had it sent along on the last supply run.”

“You’re getting the aliens drunk?” Charlie shook his head.

“No, not drunk. But I know they’ve probably never had it unless Liz gave them some. It’s Christmas. I didn’t have presents bought for you guys or anything. This is all I could think of for a treat. The lab guys ate all of my mom’s fudge before they left.” She shrugged and handed out more cups.

Ike took a sip and nodded. “They should probably eat dinner first.”

Meg nodded. “Let’s dig in.”

The group of eight sampled ham, roast turkey, stuffing, rolls and green beans, and soon, the food was gone. No one talked of abductions or experiments. The worry was forgotten. Everything one wanted in a holiday was there. Still Charlie felt bad for his fellow aliens, but he’d been in lockdown and under quarantine once upon a time, too. Three years was hard and scary for children. Hopefully, the new aliens’ confinement would be shorter.

“I’m stuffed.” Meg didn’t look an ounce heavier, but she’d cleaned her plate and had a slice of fruitcake.

“This is disgusting.” Regon set the fruitcake aside and finished his eggnog.

“Not my eggnog?” Meg looked over at him.

“No, the cake. Your drink is delicious.” Regon poured another glass.

Ike walked over. “Be careful. You’re not used to alcohol. It can make you tired or feel funny. Don’t have too much.”

The caution was good, but Charlie saw it was too late. Two of the guests were kissing under the mistletoe. Maybe, they’d learned a bit about the holidays from Liz last year. Charlie nodded to Meg.

“Aww!” She grabbed her phone and snapped a picture.

“Don’t send it,” Charlie warned.

Meg pouted and put her glass of eggnog down. “You’re so mean. They deserve love, too. Fine, I’ll give it to Liz when she’s back. I get three men. Why can’t she have four?”

Henry took her cell phone and put it aside. “We didn’t say she can’t have them. We’re all for it. But let her have her holiday and not rush back here to deal with this. Until the commander comes back, we can’t know exactly what the purpose is.” He took her glass. “Meg, my dear, I think you’ve had enough.”

“I’m fine. I never drink. Well, margaritas in grad-school. There was a great Mexican restaurant our study group went to.” She frowned. “I’m not using them for guinea pigs, no matter what the commander says.”

Regon walked over. “The weapon you mentioned?”

“Meg?” Ike asked.

“Oh hush. I wasn’t tipsy when I told them. They deserve the truth. I want to see if there’s a way to test it without hurting anyone. Plus I’ll make the commander tell me that’s why they’re here in person. Email orders like that don’t fly for me. I won’t do it anyway. I won’t hurt people.” Meg nodded.

“We don’t want to endanger your job or Liz’s. If you need something from us, we’ll help you. We trust you.” Regon sat next to her.

Charlie moved in. “She’s fine. We’ve got her.”

Meg pulled away. “I am fine! I’m not testing something that causes such intense pain. Not without a reversal. The antidote. I’m working on it next.”

ET hopped up and licked Meg’s hand.

“When did your cat turn up?” Ike asked.

“Yesterday. She ran off that first night you guys raided my room. I knew she couldn’t get off the base, but she must’ve hid somewhere. And now I know for sure. Look at her. She’s pregnant. Those strays you let roam the airstrip impregnated her.” She pointed at Ike.

“You should’ve gotten her fixed.” Henry rubbed the cat’s back until it purred.

Meg shook her head. “She was a gift from my niece. They raise these cats. It’s what my sister calls a career. Anyway, they’re purebred cats, and they asked me not to in case they wanted to breed her. Now, she’ll have fuzzy half-mutt kittens. But ET likes it in the pod with the aliens. She’ll probably give birth in there.”

Regon picked up ET. “We don’t mind. It’s nice to take care of something. If Liz has offspring with us, they’d be some sort of hybrid or half breed.”

“Shh. Don’t say that too loud. I’m not sure what the government plans are for you, but that might piss them off.” Meg walked to the dessert table and filled a huge mug with black coffee.

Charlie watched her down the mug then pour another. “You okay?” he asked.

“Fine. I love eggnog, but I hate the buzzed feeling. I usually only drink flavored or fruity things, like frozen margaritas. I overdid it, but the coffee should straighten that out.” She took a long gulp.

“Now, she’ll never sleep and Santa won’t come.” Henry grinned.

“I think we better get those four back into their room before the kitchen staff comes to collect their dishes.” Ike nodded to the couple of aliens now half-naked under the mistletoe.

Regon nodded. “Agreed. I think the eggnog has dulled everyone’s senses, but it’s a holiday. Thank you for sharing it with us.” He and the other sober alien steered the duo into the pod. ET followed with a swish of her tail.

“Lock them in for the night.” Ike nodded to Meg.

“No locking. It’s wrong.” She sipped her third mug of coffee.

Henry walked over and took her mug. “You’re going to over-caffeinate. Come on. Lock them in so no one can get to them. The kitchen crew has to clean up. You don’t want any issues.”

Looking clearer, Meg nodded and walked an almost perfectly straight line to the keypad. She punched in the code and Ike tried the door. It was locked.

“Now what?” Meg asked.

Charlie hugged her from behind. “We didn’t get you any material gifts, either. Sorry.”

Meg shrugged. “Christmas is too commercial anyway. It’s about being with the people you love, who don’t judge or belittle you.” She kissed his cheek.

“So we can take you back to our room and share the spirit of giving and loving all night?” Ike kissed her mouth.

“Sounds perfect. I just wish Liz could be with her guys on Christmas.” Meg looked genuinely sad for her friend.

“I’m sorry. Next year. Things aren’t easy, like having three boyfriends. Hopefully, it’s worth it.” Henry held out a hand.

Meg took it, and the quad walked toward the offices.

“I think it’s worth it.” Meg grabbed the mistletoe as they walked out the main lab door. Charlie couldn’t wait to see where she hung it.

* * * *

Meg was the perfect mix of relaxed and clear-headed. As much as she loved her guys, she’d put together the truth about them in two days, but they hadn’t confessed. The eggnog hadn’t loosened their lips even though rum acted on aliens even more strongly than on humans. They’d been careful not to overindulge. They could have good reasons, but that wasn’t good enough for Meg.

Flopping on the bed, she understood their fear. If the truth came out, the government might lock them up, too. She’d keep them safe, but some secrets went viral once uttered. No one could overhear it. If they didn’t tell her by New Year’s, and they were still together, she’d call them on it. A small part of her worried this group relationship would get called off by the guys. It was great now, but once everyone was back, how could they hide their true natures and be in an alien-style relationship?

The guys were undressing, and she watched them happily.

“Your brain is working too hard.” Ike leaned over and grabbed her feet.

“It always is. I won’t let them hurt the aliens— or any of the aliens who want asylum. I know there are more. Those four will help us fight the Keelons. They make Liz so happy.” Meg knew she wasn’t quite as articulate as usual, but she meant every word.

“We’re with you. But you can’t fix it tonight. Give us a chance to make you happy.” Ike pulled off her shoes then slid his hands under her skirt.

Meg grinned when he found no panties. It was getting pointless with these guys keeping her busy. “I’m always happy around you guys.”

Charlie snuggled in next to her. “Are you sure you’re up for it? You seemed tired earlier.”

Her mouth found his and proved she wasn’t tired at all. “I’m just relaxed. Rum does that to me.” She ran her hands down his muscled body and rubbed his cock until it stood at attention.

Ike tugged her dress over her head, and Meg saw the tinsel sparkle in her hair. Rolling over, she pinned Henry and dug the lube and condoms out of their hiding place. She knew their room as well as her own now. It felt like home. A home needed more than one person and a cat.

Licking Henry’s cock until he was fully erect, she slid the rubber on him and straddled his hips. Ike moved in behind her to steady her.

“Maybe we should just cuddle tonight?” Ike suggested.

Meg shook her head. She had a plan for that rum and her body was relaxed enough. It’d help. “You love me?” she asked.

Ike kissed her neck. “You know we all do. What do you want for Christmas?”

“I love you, too. I want the truth. And all of you my way.” She slid down on Henry’s cock until her pussy was filled.

“Damn!” Henry lifted. “Wet and tight.”

Ike held her tight. “You can have us any time.”

“Now.” She handed him a condom and a lube packet. “You’ll push me.”

Riding Henry’s cock, she let the sweet sensations relax her further, until finally, she leaned down to kiss Henry. Charlie’s cock had made it there first, though, and she helped Henry suck the thick erection.

The lube on her asshole made her shiver, but Meg smiled. Ike was the leader of their group, and he had to take the tough jobs. When he pressed to her ass, she arched, but he pushed her lower back down and guided her to back up on him. Thanks to the rum, she didn’t tense or resist. The stretching sensation was so sweet and new, she wanted to see where it went and how far she could go.

Her pussy tightened on Henry’s cock, but she wiggled to enjoy the feel as she sucked on Charlie’s sac. Suddenly, there was a green flash. Charlie held the mistletoe over her head and leaned down to kiss her.

“Me, too!” Henry moaned.

They both kissed Henry as Meg rocked harder on his cock. That pushed Ike farther and made it feel so good that Meg reached a hand back to him. Ike grabbed her fingers and kissed her knuckles.

“All the way!” she said.

“Come first. Ride Henry.” Ike pumped in and out of her ass.

Meg couldn’t tell how far he was, but she wanted it all. It made sense that a climax might open her up. Charlie reached between her and Henry to rub her clit vigorously.

Already stretched and still with some rum in her system, Meg couldn’t hold out a second as the release sent tremors pulsing through her insides. She moaned through the deep orgasm, and let it take over. As soon as it began to fade, she felt Ike’s hot body pressed to her ass. He was all the way in. Looking back, she wiggled her hips just enough.

“Nice and easy.” Ike fucked her in short thrusts.

Charlie looked and gave Meg a hard kiss. “You’re so hot!”

“Get back here. We’re not done.” She pulled his cock back to Henry’s lips, and she joined in on the oral fun.

“I get your ass on New Year’s Eve.” Charlie fucked Henry’s mouth as Meg tongued along the top.

She giggled and nipped at his cock. “I’m not good at it yet, but I’m learning.”

Ike wrapped her ponytail around his hand and tugged gently. She could tell he’d come soon. The heat dulled as he added lube, and the chill made her thrust back on him. There was no pain, only sweet stretching. Ike was thicker, but not as long as Henry. It might be success by that measurement, but she’d take a hot victory on Christmas.

“It feels so good.” Meg twisted to look when Ike tugged her hair again. He kissed her, and her muscles spasmed. It wasn’t quite the climax she was used to, but she felt Ike coming in her ass as his mouth claimed hers.

Charlie’s shouts made her turned. There was cum all over Henry’s neck and chest. The view was perfect, and she took in the moment. Her reflexes were a little dulled tonight, but no one seemed to mind. Meg dipped her head and licked up some of the cream. Ike tugged her back, and she shared it with him. What a kinky Christmas Eve! Meg couldn’t remember a better one.

“I think we might have a new tradition.” She kissed Ike hard then turned to give Henry and Charlie the same treatment. “Now, we can snuggle. We won’t top that tonight.”





Chapter Six


BOOK: 7th Kind 1: Christmas in Dreamland
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