5 Nights (Sinful Delights Romance - Boxed Set) (10 page)

BOOK: 5 Nights (Sinful Delights Romance - Boxed Set)
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chapTer fifteen

Private Dancer

My nerves were completely shot when I arrived at the club.  I had no idea how Sin would react when he saw me, and I was going to be showing it all for the customers tonight.  Trying to stop the tremor in my hands, I balled them into fists as I made way through the front door.

I wasn’t a coward.  No matter what happened tonight, I would live through it. 
Unless of course I fell on my face while dancing and Sin told me I sucked in bed
.  No!  I wasn’t going to allow those thoughts to start running through my mind now. 

Kera was already there and she walked over and hugged me.  “You look like you’re about to puke.” She laughed softly, and dragged me along with her.

We made it to the bar and she ordered us both a shot of tequila.  “I can’t drink that.  The last thing I want to do is get drunk before I dance.”

“I don’t think one shot of tequila will get you tipsy.” She laughed and pushed one toward me when the bartender sat them down in front of us. 

I could use a little liquid courage.  Taking the shot I tossed it back down my throat while making a face.  I felt the burn all the way into my stomach.  George laughed at me.

“You’ll do just fine up on that stage tonight.”

“Thanks.  If I don’t fall flat on my butt and forget the moves I’ll be happy.” He really was a nice guy and one of the few people in the club that didn’t look at me like he wanted to jump my bones.

“Come on.” Kera winked at George before pulling me back toward the dressing rooms.

The costume I was wearing tonight was really beautiful and I knew I owed Kera a multitude of thanks for finding it.  It was a two piece white bikini, with sequins that glimmered a soft pearl pink in the light.  The bottoms were a G-string and wouldn’t be coming off.  Topless was all that was allowed at Sin’s.  I was thankful for that small allowance tonight.

“George is right you know.  You’ll do great.  If you miss a step, just smile and bat your eyelids.  The boys will eat it up.”

I knew I had the routine down to an art form.  Sin had worked with me for hours to perfect it.  I’d learned gymnastics routines in a short time frame before, so I knew I could do this.  Outside of taking off my top for a bunch of strangers it really wasn’t that much different.

Taking a few deep breaths I undressed and put on my costume.  “Thanks.  It’s just a little nerve-wracking to think I’ll be showing my boobs to all these men.”  I managed to laugh nervously.

“Just remember boobs are just fatty flesh.” Kera giggled and began working on my hair and makeup.

Smiling at her in the mirror I nodded my head.  “Yeah, I guess so.”  Looking at it from her perspective made it a little easier. 

I hardly recognized my reflection in the mirror after she’d finished.  She’d used dark shades on my eyes and lips.  “Just think of it as a mask.  That way when you go out on stage, you can pretend you’re someone else.”

I looked beautiful.  My hair was tossed and teased wildly.  It fell down to my butt in a long curtain.  It made me feel a little more dressed knowing I had that extra covering.  The bikini shimmered even in the dimmer lights of the dressing room.  I could imagine how they would sparkle under the stage light.

“I’d want to take you home if I was a man.” She winked then moved over to her own dressing chair. 

“Thanks.” I laughed and attempted a few deep breaths.  Kera and two other girls would go on before
me.  I was the star attraction tonight.  I hoped Sin would come back to wish me luck before my act.

Normally the girls went out and socialized with the men before their routines.  Kera informed me that with a new dancer they didn’t follow that protocol.  It was a whole shock and awe thing.  Sin liked to present new dancers as if they’d just appeared from nowhere.

I’d already waitressed here though, so I didn’t think I really fit that image.  Waiting for the other women to dance, my nervousness continued to increase.  Sin never made it to the dressing room and I was a little disappointed. 

Finally it was my big debut. I was so uneasy my legs were shaking.  Kera gave me some words of encouragement that I didn’t hear, and then led me to the door that opened up on the stage.  Taking a deep breath, I stepped through that door as my theme music began.

The lights were dim, and smoke wafted over the black lacquered stage.  Making my way to the pole in the center, I raised my body up the cool steel with grace.  Lowering my upper body back, the spotlight landed on my form.

The soft strains of the blues played hauntingly as I lifted my arms to grab the chrome.  Allowing my body to hug it like a lover, I slowly lowered to my feet.  I couldn’t see anyone.  The spotlight was too bright.  With
practiced ease I moved through the motions.  Pretending I was holding an invisible lover in my arms, I gave my desire over to the phantom.

The whistles from the audience barely registered in my mind as I continued to grind my hips with the savageness of the rhythm as the tempo of the song escalated.  It seemed natural to reach behind me and undo the strings of my bikini top.  Tossing it carelessly away, I never missed a beat.

I was alone in my mind, performing a private dance for the one I craved. Pinching my nipples, I then allowed my hands to lift my breasts, offering them to invisible lips.  It was Sin, he filled my thoughts. I wanted his hands there taking the place of my own.

Moving back to the steel hardness of the pole, I spread my thighs.  Wrapping one leg around it, I gyrated against it.  My lips parted and I cried out softly, enflamed at the desire that raged through my sex.   This was how Sin and I practiced.  I wanted him between my thighs, taking me further than the simply dance could ever lead.

The lights dimmed again, and the whistles and applause brought me into reality again.  I made it through the entire routine without even trying.  I lowered to a crawl and picked up the obscene amount of money that was scattered over the stage.  That’s when my eyes finally landed on Sin.

The look he gave me was so full of rage it make my breath catch.  I didn’t know why he was so angry, but there was no doubt it was directed my way.  Had I messed up the routine without knowing it?  Gathering the rest of the bills, I stood and gracefully made my way back to the dressing room.

“Holy fucking shit that was incredible!” Kera wrapped me in a bear hug. 

The earlier tension I felt faded a little.  “Did you really think so?”  I truly couldn’t remember any of it. 

“Are you kidding me?  Every woman here is green with envy over how you worked that stage!” 

I placed all the money on the dresser and gasped. “I can’t believe how much money these men throw at us.” Grinning, I knew that I wouldn’t be worrying about my cash flow for a few weeks.

“They loved you babe.”  Kera was smiling from ear to ear and her happiness was contagious.  I was just glad to know I didn’t have to worry about bills for a while.

“To my office, now!” Sin stormed into the dressing room, the look of fury on his face even darker than when I’d caught a glance of it earlier.

Kera looked at him like he’d lost his mind, but I followed along timidly.  What was he so angry about I wondered?  Apparently the dance routine had went off without a hitch. I tried to keep up with his angry strides as we walked to his office.

He slammed the door behind us when I entered and I heard the sound of it locking.  “Why are you so mad?”

Whatever I’d done, I wasn’t clued in on.

“You will not be on that fucking stage again dancing.  Do you understand me?”

He hadn’t even given me time to get dressed again, thankfully there was a back hall to his office or I would have been undressed while walking around the club. 

“No I don’t understand you.  What did I do?  Kera said the dance was great?”

The way he glared made me take a few steps backward.  This was a Sin that scared the crap out of me.  Obviously he didn’t like my movements because he grabbed me by the waist and pushed me backwards until his desk stopped us.

It was like someone else possessed him as his hands reached for my breasts and he squeezed them painfully.  “Sin, stop.”  He was really starting to freak me out.  The tender lover from last night was gone, and this monster was groping me now.

“You will not be eye candy for those hard dicks.  You feel me.”  His hand moved quickly between my legs and cupped my sex.  “This pussy is mine, and you damn well better fucking remember it.”

I was shocked silent at his possessive words and actions.  He pulled down the bikini bottoms, until they rested around my ankles.  With no warning, he turned me around to face the desk, bending me over.

His mouth wasted no time as it found my sex and he ravished me.  I was turned on and terrified at the same time.  “Sin?”

He didn’t answer me, only pulled back.  His finger taking the place of his mouth he took me that way.  “Your sweet little pussy knows who it belongs to.”  I hated that my body was tensing, on the verge of release.  I didn’t like how he was treating me.  It wasn’t how I wanted to be with him.

He added another finger, and rode me until I almost came undone.  Then his fingers slid free.  I heard the sound of his zipper sliding down, and I rested on the cool wood of his desk, shocked.  I had no idea why he was acting this way, and I needed time to collect my thoughts.

That time never came, he was inside me.  I gasped as his huge length filled me to overflowing.   God I felt stretched beyond capacity, but I wanted him.  He began to ride my body with forceful thrusts and I was breathless.  The sensation was heaven and hell and all I could do was hold on to the desk as he took my body.

My sex clenched around his massive shaft as he continued to plunge into me like a man possessed.  “Sin!” I wasn’t sure what I wanted as my body began reaching toward that plateau.  He grabbed my hips and rode me ever faster.  I felt torn between need and the raw ache that he left in the wake of his passion.

I came undone, his name spilled from my lips.  This man was a stranger but there was no denying how much my body craved what he did.  Sobbing at the storm of emotions that raged through my mind, I could only feel as he continued to thrust until pulling from me with his own shout of fulfillment.

My sex was sore as I laid there in shock. My mind couldn’t deal with what he’d just done.  Part of me loved that he’d controlled me so completely, the other was like a frightened little girl who’d experienced too much and wanted to hide away.

“Fuck!”  I heard him rustling around with his clothes, but I was still mentally paralyzed.  “Shit, little lily, I’m so fucking sorry.”  He reached down and pulled me away from the desk and into his arms.

I was so confused and scared I didn’t know whether I wanted to hold him so tightly that he never let go, or run from the room crying.  I clung to him.  I don’t know why I started crying.  I couldn’t feel anything at that moment.  My mind was physically numb.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He whispered into my ear, while caressing my hair.  “I didn’t mean to scare you baby, I just lost it.”

“I don’t know what I did wrong.” The words sounded pathetic.  I really couldn’t get my mind to focus. 

“It isn’t you baby, it’s me.  I fucking lost it when I saw all those men looking at you like they wanted to slide between your legs.”  He let me go long enough to pull up
my bikini bottoms. His hand went under my chin, forcing me to look at him.  “You can’t dance again.”

His words were enough to clear some of the fog from my head.  “I need to do this.”  I couldn’t let him take this away from me.  What we’d just done, I didn’t even know how to label it.  I knew some serious soul-searching needed to go on about that later, but right now this was more important.

“You don’t need to do it.  All those men wanted to pull out their dicks and fuck you tonight.” 

I don’t know where I found courage, but his words ticked me off.  “But they didn’t, did they?  You did.”  I realized he’d just taken me on his desk like a common whore.  It took a few minutes for that to filter in through my brain.

“I was pissed off.  They had no right to look at you that way.”

Crossing my arms over my breasts I stared at him incredulously.  “And you had a right to screw me like some prostitute you picked up off a corner?”  Oh yeah, I was fuming mad now!

“You’re not dancing again.”  He hadn’t answered my question and that look of anger filled his eyes again almost making me back down.  I lifted my chin.  He wasn’t going to frighten me into submission.  He didn’t own me.

“I need the money Sin.  I’m going to dance.” I dared him with my look to tell me no.

“It’s always about the fucking money with women.  He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet.  Grabbing more hundred dollar bills then I’d seen in my life he slammed them down on the desk.  “I’ll pay you not to dance.”

I hated him at that moment.  He was attempting to buy me off and it made me feel cheap.  “Screw you Sin.” Glancing around the room I saw a few club shirts.  I grabbed one of them and pulled it over my head.  “I don’t want your damn money!” 

He could go straight to hell I decided, as I stormed out of the office.  I didn’t look back.  If he followed I swore I’d kick him where it hurt most.  I made my way to the bar, not caring that I was dressed in an oversized t-shirt and probably looked like I’d just been screwed.

BOOK: 5 Nights (Sinful Delights Romance - Boxed Set)
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