Read 5 Darkness Falls Online

Authors: Christin Lovell

5 Darkness Falls (2 page)

BOOK: 5 Darkness Falls
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Will had stated something similar before. I knew he wasn’t trying to make my life more difficult
or sway my choices based
what he read and believed, but it did feel that way at times. Everything he said was drawn from his knowledge of the prophecy, when
I wanted
the true William
derived from him, not his blind faith
in the prophecy

“I’ll try to remember that.” I mashed my lips together.

“Do try, Lexi.” He smirked.

I narrowed my eyes at him, finally noticing how disheveled he appeared. I cocked my head, taking in his attire. His button up shirt was wrinkled
hanging over the waistline of his khaki pants
, and
the top few buttons were undone. His hair was standing every which way
instead of
parting off-center and
lying neatly combed to the side
His eyes were bright and clear, unlike the somewhat exhausted state I typically
them in, despite his vamp vision.
final detail
him away though
was his
appeared slightly fuller, as if they’d been kissed hard and the blood was just beginning to disperse.

I gasped;
I know my face was lighting
up. “You’ve been with a lady! William!” I giggled. “I didn’t know
had it in you.”

He blushed. “Please keep your voice down. I am the owner of this building still, and those are my employees,” he said in a rushed whisper. He glanced back
at the concierge counter.

I looked towards Drexel. Even
was simpering.

I continued to rile him.
“You didn’t even try to deny it. O.M.G. You so were.”

“I’m not here to discuss my personal life.” He tugged on his shirt,
trying to straighten the creases.

“So you can read about
and study
personal life all day
, but I’m not allowed to know one tiny detail about yours? I’m not even asking her name, where she
or how long you’ve been seeing her.”

“I suppose that’s fair,” he conceded
, continuing
to avert his eyes.

“I’m going to let you stew on that for a while.” I tried to
keep a straight face,
my smile
but I was enjoying this new revelation too much.
Will looked defeated
“I’m sorry, Will. I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m actually happy for you. Whether you admit it or not, you need this. You
seem less uptight and
stressed. It’s a much better look on you.”

He sighed. “I’m sure you’re right.”

“I’ll talk to you later. Whoever this woman is, please
give her a big ‘thank you’ f

“I will
do no such thing,
but I
be seeing her again. If things work out, I will introduce you at some point; after all, she needs to know my life’s work.” He finally met my gaze.

I shook my head. “That sounds good. Have a good day, Will.” I patted his chest playfully
skipping off towards the door.

Chapter 2

My heart thundered in my chest
as I approached the door. I t
ook a long, deep breath before
my hand
to knock.

Kai opened the door; his brown eyes widen
marginally as he took me in. “Leka, hi. Come in.”

Stepping over the threshold,
him a small smile

“How have you been?” he asked on his way to the living room.

“Um, okay. How about you?”
Are we really making small talk?
At least it was momentarily distracting me.

“Good. Did you stop by for anything in particular?” He faced me
a single, expectant brow

I couldn’t blame him for his speculation. Lately, I’d only called if I need
something, which ma
me a lousy friend.

“No.” I shook my head.

We gazed at each other for a minute. I allowed all else to fade away; my heart’s steady pumping
and our rhythmic breathing
were the only sounds I heard. The longer we stood there, the easier it was to feel his soul, a palpable presence
– it seemed like
it was reaching out to
I studied the
of his face, the slope of his nose and
curves of his lips.
Staring into his eyes, I appreciated the familiar tones of honey and chocolate in their depths.

“Is everything okay, Leka?” he asked hesitantly.
his lips, concern
weighted down
his brows as he watched me.

diverted my eyes
and moved
a few steps away from him, bringing my hands together in front of me.
A knot of fear tightened
my stomach. I didn’t know how he was going to react.

“I, um, actually came to talk to you. I wanted to tell you something.”

After hearing this, he
seemed to perk up
His lips curled up in the corners
anticipating good news. “Go on.”

balled my fists against my
trying to gather myself. I inhaled deep
blowing out the air
slowly. Feeling shaky, yet
focused, I lifted my head
to meet
his gaze.

His lips slowly began to turn down
as the seconds ticked by.

“Kai, I’m pregnant.”

mouth fell open
, and
his eyes stared through me
rather than at me
His whole body quaked
, as
he stumbled
, bumping
into the closest chair. His jaw flexed
his features twisted.
Tears quickly gathered in his eyes, and my
gut tightened, feeling like it’d been punched
“He has you, doesn’t he?” The pain in his voice sliced

“He has my heart, Kai. I’m sorry.”

He closed his eyes, working to regulate his breathing through silent sobs. He clasped his hands together, leaning his forehead into them. I watched helplessly as the tears dropped one by one to the floor.
This was
the first time Kai didn’t hold anything back, and for the first time, I felt truly awful about my circumstances. Guilt
threatening to
me, shredding me from the inside out.

He looked up at me, blood staining his face. I bit my lip, trying to control the tremble working through me. He sighed. “Aw, Leka, sweetie. Don’t cry,” he cooed.

like that, the dam burst.
I was no longer able to contain my remorse.
“I’m sorry, Kai. I never meant to hurt you. I…I didn’t want this.”

He stood
up, pulling
me into his chest
; he kissed my head repeatedly
. His fingers combed through my hair
my back. “Shh. It’s okay, Leka. You’re going to be okay. I’m not mad; I’m just shocked, and
maybe a little
hurt. But I love you. I’ve always loved you. I want you to be happy, and if Kellan’s the one that makes you happy…” His words trailed off
as he continued to soothe me.

began to fade, and slowly, I backed out of his embrace.
He wiped the last few tears from my face and placed a kiss on each cheek. I closed my eyes
, leaning
his touch. When
my eyes
I found him
inspecting me closely.

Our eyes locked, and he waited
until my focus was solely on him. “If he ever makes you unhappy, if he ever hurts you or endangers you, I’ll kill the bastard.” His tone was serious, but a smile
lifted his lips. “I’ll always be here for you. Maybe it won’t be in the way
want, but I
be here

in whatever capacity you allow me to be.”

“Kai.” His name was a soft whisper on my lips. I shook my head negatively. “I don’t want that. I’ve been honest with you. I love you, but I love Kellan more. I can’t give you what you want and you shouldn’t be accepting scraps from me; you should be with a woman who…” I sighed
shook my head, regrouping. “You should try to find someone else to make you happy, Kai

way. You deserve that kind of happiness with someone who
spilled, cascading down my cheeks.
My emotions overpowered me, causing my chest to tighten and forcing me to pull away.
He looked so broken, like my words were stinging. How
did I ever allow
myself to hurt someone
that I care about so deeply?

“Don’t blame yourself, Leka. I let my feelings for you grow to what they are. I’ve controlled myself, kept walls up with every other woman
, but
I chose to let you in

and I’ll never regret it.” He gazed down at me, determination
in his features.
As he faced me, his body visibly tensed; I could tell he was trying to punctuate his words with a deeper emotion.


“Don’t.” His nostrils flared
as his lips pressed into a thin line.

I swallowed hard,
with a nod of my head. I wiped away the last of my

“How far along are you? I don’t hear a heartbeat yet.”

“I’ll be six weeks tomorrow.”

I heard
his teeth grinding.
He took a deep breath, expelling it in a long
sigh. He tilted his head
tenderly and stood motionless, silently studying me.
Slowly the tension disappeared. He relaxed his body, as if finally coming to terms with what was happening,
choosing to
accept it rather than fight it. “Are you happy?”

“It’s not what I had planned, but I’m not angry. I know everything happens for a reason.”

“A baby is something to be happy about, Leka. Don’t let anyone rain on your parade.” A smile lifted his lips. “How about we go shopping? I’ll buy you your first baby item.”

I smiled softly. “Sorry, but Beth and Aunt Claire have you beat.”

“Have they given it to you yet?”


“Ah, then I can still be the first.” He grabbed a set of car keys
the fireplace mantel. “Let’s go.”

“Drexel is waiting out front.”

“Of course. Tell him I’ve got you
and the baby
covered. I’ll drop you off at your condo later.”

“Okay.” My heart swelled with relief and love. In this moment I loved Kai a little more. The woman he ended up with
the right woman for him
was going to be a very lucky

BOOK: 5 Darkness Falls
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