3#Awakened by the Vampire Prince (Thorn) (7 page)

BOOK: 3#Awakened by the Vampire Prince (Thorn)
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nodded once, she was sure it was in thanks as his eyes had softened. She
clasped his hand for just a second, squeezing it, and nodded back. They broke
away from one another as they continued on the walkway. Within another minute
they’d reached their father’s chamber.

they arrived, the door opened and Lord Minogue exited. His face looked gaunt and
his eyes weary. He looked first Esral and then her brother in the eyes before
closing the door behind him. “I need to prepare you,” he whispered. “It’s
really bad. I can only let you stay for a few minutes. Please know that I’m
doing everything in my power to save him. We all are.”

small whimpering noise escaped her and she clutched her hand to her throat.
Taking a deep breath, she nodded. Blinking hard to try and stop the tears that

is this happening?” She could hear the roar of emotion in Keto’s voice. “I
thought he was getting better.”

wish I knew. Unfortunately, he is far too ill to even consider taking blood
right now. As you know, we would need to use a silver needle which could be
detrimental. I will stay with him and do my best to keep him comfortable and
stable. If he makes it through the night…”

gasped, biting down so hard on her bottom lip that she tasted blood. Keto made
a choked noise.

that is the case then you need to let us stay.” Esral’s voice quivered as she
spoke but there was nothing she could do to stop it. “Please, we need to be
with him.”

Minogue shook his head. “No, he will not want you to see him like this. It is important
that he stay as relaxed as possible and that hopefully he can get some rest. I
promise the both of you”—he gripped each of their wrists—“I will call you the
moment anything changes. You have my word.”

really not anything any of us can do, is there?” Esral asked feeling more
helpless then she ever had in her whole life.

Like I was saying, hopefully I managed to stabilize him and once he is strong
enough, I will extract blood so that we can gain some more insight. The problem
is that every time we take blood his silver levels spike dangerously high. It
may very well be a result of his illness. Silver seems to affect him more so
than normal. Even with minimal contact with the metal. It’s a balancing act
right now between gaining information and stabilizing him.”

licked her lips and nodded.

was breathing heavily, she could see that he was working hard to retain
control. This was affecting him much worse than what she ever thought it would.
Part of her, she realized, had been angry with him this whole time because he
seemed to be enjoying his role as leader too much. Could it be that she had
been wrong?

Minogue gestured to the door. “Let’s go inside.”

is a private matter. I will be out here if you need me.” York lightly touched
her arm and motioned to where Lazarus was standing. She nodded once before
following the healer and her brother into her father’s chamber.

a terrible scent hit her. Foul yet sweet. The scent of death. She could also scent
excrement and cleaning detergents. Vomit and urine also featured high on the
list. Taking a deep breath through her mouth, she squeezed her eyes shut for a
second while praying for calm. Her father needed her right now. She would be
here for him regardless of how difficult this was.

she caught sight of the frail body in the overly large bed, she swallowed hard.
Her brother made a sound of anguish and increased his stride until he was at
his father’s side. Katar’s skin had turned ash gray. His eyes were wide and rheumy,
staring at nothing. His jaw was slack, his mouth hung open. He dry heaved, his
body bowing from the bed. The spell seemed to last for a very long half a
minute in which her father’s muscles spasmed. His throat sounded raw and he
made the most awful sounds as his body attempted to expel his stomach contents
which by the scent in the room were long gone. Eventually, he fell back still
heaving. Lord Minogue, used a cloth to mop her father’s mouth and brow. The
tension from his shoulders eased somewhat and she noticed that he blinked and
even pulled his mouth closed for a few beats at a time.

every ounce of power she possessed, she forced her legs to move and took up the
space on the other side of the bed. Keto held one of her father’s hands and she
the other.

here for you, father.” Keto may have been overly emotional moments before but
right now he sounded steady and calm. The confident male she’d always known.
“You are going to pull through this. Fight father, fight. Please.” His voice
hitched slightly on the last word belying his emotion after all.

love you, father.” She said, hoping that he could hear her.

much.” Keto added, locking eyes with her for a second before looking back down
at their father.

father didn’t seem to recognize them or even to know that they were there.
Mercifully, he began to drift off to sleep. His chest rose higher, his
breathing became deeper and more rhythmic. Then his eyes opened and he moaned.

Minogue returned to her father’s bedside, a vile of green liquid in his hand.
“I promise I’ll let you know if anything changes. I’m going to give him the
sleeping tonic. Rest is what he needs right now.”

nodded, seeing that Keto did the same.

said their goodbyes knowing that this could be the last time they saw their
dear father alive. Esral kissed him on the brow and then put her head lightly to
his chest, remembering how he used to lift her when she was just a little girl.
Much to her mother’s dismay, he would fling her high into the air. He was so
strong and so handsome. In those moments it felt like she was flying. They
would both laugh and laugh. Even her mother would join in eventually while
giving Katar bad looks and begging him not to drop her. He never did. Her
father would make it through this, he had to.




Chapter 6


the blankets more firmly around herself, Esral still felt cold to her very
core. Her whole body felt numb. Her stomach churned with worry. This couldn’t
be the end. It couldn’t be.

York and Lazarus were stationed outside. York had insisted on staying. There
was a light tap on the door and Xavier entered closing the door behind him.

made a whimpering noise as she caught sight of him. All of the emotions
resurfacing in that instant.

came as soon as I heard,” he growled low. “I’m so sorry this has happening.”
Xavier set something down on the table beside her. Not bothering to remove his
clothes or his boots, he slid into the bed and pulled her into his arms. His
warm embrace made her feel safe. She buried her head into his wide chest and

one of his big hands, he stroked her hair, threading his fingers through her
long strands. After a while she managed to pull herself together. The odd tear
fell sporadically. She still sniffed and hiccupped. Xavier ran a hand up and
down her back in firm soothing strokes.

don’t understand it.” Her voice quivered. “He was doing so well.”

know, sweetheart. I know.” He didn’t try and give her any false hope or promises.
Just held her and was there for her, which meant more than anything.

she finally calmed down, he slid a hand under her chin. “No, don’t.” She felt
her nose run. “I must look awful.”

princess.” His voice was deep and rich. “Impossible.” He added, tracing her jaw
line with his thumb. “I brought you something to eat.”

started to argue but he covered her mouth with his index finger. “I insist. You
haven’t eaten anything all day.”

do you know?”

make it my business to know everything about you. Particularly where your well-being
is concerned.” His silvery grey eyes held her captive for a few moments before
he broke eye contact, reaching for the object next to the bed. It was a
container which he flipped open using one hand.

she would have found the scents delicious but right now they made her stomach
roll in objection. “Thank you, but I really can’t.” She swallowed hard.

brought your favorites. Strawberries, pears and sliced peaches.”

felt her eyes widen. “That’s so sweet. How did you know they were my

spent a lot of time together.” His deep voice washed over her.

but I never told you. I would’ve remembered if I had,” she replied.

gave her a half smile. “There are a lot of things I know about you, princess,
because I made it my business to know. Yet, I haven’t learned nearly enough.
Not nearly.” His smile widened and he traced the shell of her ear with his

so sweet.” She whispered, touching his jaw with her fingertips and feeling the
stubble catch.

face turned serious. “I need you to eat at least a few pieces. We’ll take it
one at a time.”

nodded before opening her mouth and taking a bite of the strawberry in his

it.” He said, as she chewed and swallowed. Xavier moved into more of a sitting
position, taking her with him. His long legs were on either side of her, her
head on his chest.

expected to feel nauseous but the opposite was true. Her stomach growled
wanting more.

smiled, reaching for the container again and feeding her a piece of crunchy
pear this time. “We’re going to get through this… together.”

nodded, feeling her eyes well.

princess.” He pulled her closer, brushing his lips across her forehead. “I’m
here for you. I’ll never leave you.”

on her lip, she nodded into his chest, wishing with all her heart that she
could believe him. She knew he would never willingly abandon her, but maybe he
wouldn’t have any choice in the matter.

accepted another bite of fruit and another, and another. Xavier put a piece of
peach into his own mouth. He chewed and swallowed, looking like he had just
eaten cardboard. After putting a sweet, plump strawberry into her mouth, she
watched him eat another peach slice. This time actually grimacing as he

never seen you eat food.” She racked her brain trying hard to think of even one

shrugged. “Some vampires enjoy it. I’m not one of them.”

are you eating it then?”

frowned, lifting one of his shoulders in a casual shrug. “I’m not a big fan of
drinking from other males. It’s nothing to concern yourself with. The food will
help get me to my next real meal. Now forget about me and eat another

only problem with his statement was that it concerned her. Very much so. “You’re
hungry. When did you last take blood?” Esral sat more upright, pulling away
from Xavier.

steely grey eyes held hers. He smiled. “It doesn’t matter, princess.”

You are making me eat even though I don’t want to.” She shook her head while narrowing
her eyes at him.

smile widened. “It’s not the same thing. I’m fine. If I get desperate enough,
I’ll take from…” Esral could hear that he was working to keep his tone even,
she could hear the disgust in his voice. “From York. I’ll manage.” He quickly
added the last.

craned her head to the side and his eyes dipped to her neck. “Take from me,” she

a low growl. When she looked up at him, his eyes had bled silver.

not? Just take what you need. You’re stubborn, you know that. You won’t hurt

shook his head, eyes still on the pulse at the base of her throat. She noticed
that his nostrils were flared and his jaw was clenched.

not? How is it any different? You made me eat because you were worried about me
and I can’t do the same for you?” She shook her head as she spoke, narrowing
her eyes at him. “Stop smiling. I should also be able to take care of you. This
is not a one-way street you know?”

are so cute when you get angry.” His eyes had heated and were filled with
For her.

ignored the warm fuzzy feelings that had started to brew and sucked in a deep
breath ready to tear him a new one for that particular remark when he cupped
her jaw. Although he stopped smiling, there was still a glint in his eyes. “I’m
sorry. I didn’t mean to make you angry.” He turned serious. “I know you want to
help me but allowing me to sink my fangs into your neck is not the way to do

hungry so eat. It’s as simple as that.”

jaw twitched. “No it isn’t. The taking of blood can be purely calorie related
but it mostly isn’t.”

not sure I understand.” She felt herself frown and even cocked her head to the

made a sound of frustration and ran a hand through his hair. “For someone who’s
spent so much time around vampires, you know very little about the taking of

I know you guys do it but I’ve never seen anyone drink blood before. I’ve never
heard anyone discuss it either.”

chuckled. “I suppose you wouldn’t have. It’s an intimate act.”

can eating be intimate? I still don’t understand.”

don’t think I can drink from you without…” He swallowed hard letting the
sentence die. “You see, sex and drinking very often go hand in hand with

would enjoy taking my blood.” She shrugged. “That’s fine. I won’t let it go

eyes darkened. “I will love taking your blood, more than you know.” He took a
deep breath. “It will feel really good…for you. You know that moment just
before you are about to cum? Your whole body feels coiled. The pleasure is
almost too intense to handle?” His voice had become a low rumble.

swallowed hard and nodded.

that feeling only amplified by ten.”

She gushed the word. “Will you feel the same way?”

shook his head. “You are attracted to me and therefore will be affected when I
drink from you. The same would only apply if you drank from me.”

heart rate quickened and even though the thought should sicken her, it didn’t.
Not one little bit. She could still taste the tangy, salty yet sweet taste of
his blood from when she had nicked him with her teeth. Her cheeks felt a little
hot just thinking about how she had sucked on Xavier’s root. Best she not go
there right now. “You would stay in control?”

hadn’t meant it as a question but Xavier nodded. “I should. There is no
guarantee though. Vampires sometimes go into bloodlust and are unable to stop
drinking. It typically only happens with humans but we have never been with
elves so I am not sure what my reaction would be.”

taken from a human?” For whatever reason, Esral didn’t like the idea.

shook his head. “No, we are not permitted to rut or drink from humans. Too

sure it will be okay. I am much stronger than a human.”

was a rap on the door and it slowly opened. “It’s only me,” York growled. “Can
I come in?”

Xavier said. Esral tried to move away from him but he tightened his grip on

to interrupt, princess…my lord.” He inclined his head to each of them in turn.
“Lazarus and I are just outside. We will make sure that the princess is safe.
With all due respect, you should drink, my lord.”

my lord

York growled. “Drink from your female already. You need your strength. Gideon is
getting what he needs and should be on top form by tomorrow.” His blue eyes
darkened. “Lazarus and I just became best fucking buddies not so long ago

couldn’t help but to giggle at the thought of the two big males drinking from
one another.

fake smiled at her. “Yeah, yeah very funny.”

sorry.” She said through a wide grin.

sweat it.” York waved a hand. “I would laugh too if I was you. You gotta do
what you gotta do.”

ground his teeth for a beat. “How are you going to know if the princess needs

shrugged, raising her eyebrows. “I’ll scream.” Surely they would be able to
hear if she was in trouble?

and Xavier exchanged a look and both males laughed. “You’ll scream.” York
mumbled. “You’re funny, princess, you know that?”

don’t get it.” She shook her head, feeling like an idiot.

will scream, princess.” Xavier whispered into her ear. “But it won’t be in
pain, that much I can promise you.”

swallowed hard catching York’s knowing smirk.

need a safe word.” Xavier growled, causing her nipples to pebble. Esral folded
her arms across her chest.

about I just say
if I’ve had enough?”

York shook his head. “You might yell stop but you won’t really mean it. Trust
me. I’ve stopped dozens of times and every damn time the female got mad at me.”

could shout the word
,” Xavier said. “If you even whisper the word
fire I’ll stop. If I don’t…” His intense eyes held hers. “Say it again and York
and Lazarus will save you.” His eyes moved to York. “No hesitation…get your
asses in here and knock me the fuck out if you have to. I don’t like it.” He
growled as an afterthought.

better that we do this now.” She put a hand to his chest. “I don’t know about
you but I don’t want anyone around when we mate.” She felt her cheeks heat. “I
know that it is vampire culture to drink during the mating. If we get through
this today then we’ll know that I’ll be safe with you when we do finally”—she
felt her cheeks heat—“you know.”

nostrils flared and his eyes glowed looking like moonlight on water. “Damn
straight. Cock and fang.” He growled, causing parts of her to tingle with

Got it,” York growled. The door opened and closed as he left.

from me. I can take it. York and Lazarus are right outside.”

looked unsure. The crease lines between his eyes were back. “I would never
forgive myself if I hurt you.”

punched him on the arm. “I’m way tougher then you think. Just drink already. I
don’t mind.”

nodded, his eyes flashing to her neck for the briefest moment before returning
to her gaze. “Put your back here,” he commanded, tapping his chest. Esral did
as he said. She could feel the heat radiating off of him. Could feel his heart
drumming against her back, hard and fast.

tipped her head to the side. “I will heal quickly so don’t worry about leaving

BOOK: 3#Awakened by the Vampire Prince (Thorn)
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